Thursday, February 13, 2025

Treadmills : Question and Answer



What is the best treadmill?


The best treadmill for you will depend on your budget, size, intended use and desired features. For budget treadmills, we like the Horizon T101 (est. $630) because it has a good motor backed by a lifetime warranty, a sturdy frame, relatively large running surface and many of the same great bonus features as higher-priced models (ex. built-in fan, heart rate monitor, reading shelf, cup holders, etc.). While the Horizon T101 is a great buy for a basic treadmill, the limited motor power and incline range isn't ideal for people who want to use the treadmill for rigorous speed or hill workouts. If your budget is more flexible, we also love the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 (est. $1399) or the Landice L7 series (est. $3695 - $5095 depending on the console you choose). Pricier treadmills will have more powerful and quiet motors, exceptionally stable bases, larger belts with enhanced cushioning to prevent injuries, greater speed/incline ranges and high tech consoles with convenient features like motivational progress reports, TV/audio systems, fans, cup holders, readings shelves, etc.

General Questions